WE ARE A VERY WELL ESTABLISHED BREEDER WITH QUALITY PERSONALITY PLUS KITTENS!  ..Please email us and let us know if youd like to reserve a kittens..Kittens go fast!. we raise seals ,blues and minks

   WE HAVE BEEN FEATURED IN A RAGDOLL BOOK called the friendly floppy ragdoll cat written by Kim Maxwell. The book features

lots of information and photos all about ragdolls , and contains photos of our past ragdoll kittens..You can purchase the book on amazon.com...NOTE:  All of our photos and use of our name were submitted voluntarily to the freindly floppy ragdoll book...We in no way collected any monetary payment for the use of photos or to the sales of the book

Seal mink below (joey)  past kitten) Minks can have a greenish or aqua eye color..Although some minks have the blue

  below example of a blue MINK past kitten not for sale

Minks are born with their color, as traditional colors are born white and dont get their color points until a week later.Blue Minks will have a deeper rich blue

Here is one of our past seal mitted MINKS..note the rich mahogany color ..as a baby he was a light coco color which became much deeper as he matured..This is MINGO owned and loved by Peggy Bennett..this photo proudly hangs at the minnesota state capital

Ragdolls can be sensitive to over vaccinations..We recommend to not vaccinate  distemper shots at the same time as a rabies vaccination..Rabies vaccination is a harsh vaccine that can cause a adverse reaction in their systems..Please space it out . we also will void the health guarantee if leukemia vaccine is used..Our cats are free of leukemia and we strongly recommend never using it.

 Be aware of chemicals!  Using harsh cleaners in your home like pinesol and using air freshners such as sprays and plug ins are harmful to your cats..Also be aware that plants like Lilys are extremely toxic!  Even if they ingest a small amount it can be fatal